Valentina Pallotta
Senior associate
For more than 15 years, Valentina has been assisting and advising – inside and outside the courtroom – leading Italian credit institutions and major servicing and sub-servicing companies on banking law, with a particular focus on the management and recovery of bank-derived NPEs (Non Performing Exposures) – both non-performing and unlikely to pay positions – within the framework of individual and bankruptcy enforcement procedures and in ordinary proceedings, with a focus also on the pathological phase of banking contracts.
She has acquired considerable experience in managing large portfolios of bank loans characterised by a medium-large size and a high incidence of mortgage guarantees, even when subject to securitisation transactions (Law 130/99) and with a state guarantee (so-called “GACS”). He also provided assistance to Servicing companies in the phase preceding the management of NPL portfolios – Corporate and Retail – in the context of acquisitive due diligence in securitisation transactions and support activities in the management of Data Remediation processes.
Member of the Viterbo Bar Association, she holds a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Pisa.