Antonio Micalizzi
Antonio graduated in economics at Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University in Milan.
Antonio advises businesses and companies on tax profiles connected to corporate restructurings and M&A transactions. Antonio has acquired significant experience working in roles of growing responsibility in the tax department of Big Four in connection to tax residency issues, income tax, and in particular in relation to employee taxation, and foreign-source income tax treatment.
Antonio represents clients in tax litigation, including pre-contentious assistance and the negotiation of tax settlements.
He acts as statutory auditor and sits on supervisory boards for multinational corporations operation in the energy, industrial and consumer business sectors. He acts also as member of the Supervisory board of Pension Funds.
Antonio is a member of the international taxation committee at the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan. He is Enrolled in the Register of Auditors and chartered accountant in Milan.
Dottori Commercialisti e Revisori Contabili di Monza, Revisori Contabili